14 August 2012

An emotional week

So lately I have had this overwhelming urge to go get a puppy :) I am looking at the humane society page every couple of day, pet finder, the shelter.... I want a puppy. Why would I want a puppy? I keep telling myself that the puppy is misplaced desire to have a baby, which will be here soon enough and I can just wait.
Then the last few days I have been on the verge of tears constantly, and if you know me, you know I DON'T cry....why so weepy? Oh probably pregnancy....all the hormones, super sensitivity, all that. Happened after I had the boys too, I remember weeping at "America's Got Talent"...no really, it was pathetic.

Then I was driving near the shelter today (not too near, that would be dangerous) to drop the boys off with a friend. Then I saw a connection between the weepy and the puppy. Two years ago, around this time, we lost our first baby. Yea, she was a puppy, but she was the first baby that Evan and I raised (for too short of a time), and taught and nurtured together. She was our everything. If we couldn't take her we didn't go. She was well behaved, knew at least 30 commands, and we talked to her like she was human, and she acted like she knew what we were saying. She ate raw meat, because it was best for her. We looked into every aspect of dog ownership and made decisions based on what would keep her healthy and happy.

It was hard for me to sew after we lost her. It was hard for us to do a lot of things. We still have trouble when we about her sometimes. We miss her everyday in our lives. We talk about how good she would be with the boys. How much she would enjoy having her own yard. It still seems so unfair that she didn't get to see the boys grown up. And get to grow up with them.

Really I'm surprised I didn't connect the weepy and the puppy desire sooner. When I feel sad, she is still the thing I want to cuddle with.

I still want a puppy, I don't think I will get one, seems like a bit much with a baby coming and everything. But I still miss my little girl so much even after 2 years. I know I will never replace her, but there is something about the way a puppy loves you, and how you love a puppy. Hopefully I don't drive by the shelter any time too soon, I feel like I would go home with a puppy. I doubt my husband would be thrilled....

26 July 2012

Joy and frustration

So there is the type of joy of a job well done (my curtains!) The type of joy when the boys use the potty ALL day and we don't have any pee pants to wash (YAY!) The odd joy of feeling my insides reposition...(ugh) And the other odd joy I get from making mistakes (huh).....I always feel confused when I make mistakes....Not that I am perfect (but I am), it's especially confusing when I envision something and then when I do it I am not thrilled. Confused? Yeah me too.....

I have been making denim cuff bracelets, it's tons of fun and it's a tiny little canvas so to speak, so I do things I would not normally try or think would look cool. I have a TON of ideas running around in my head about what I can do to these bracelets, just simple stuff, but TONS of it! So far the first one I learned from and after that I have made 6 or 7 that I adore (I even hate to part with them)....but then I started one I was really excited about, I thought it would be clean, classy and fun all at the same time. Now that I got going I HATE it, it is terrible, and I can not seem to pick it up to even figure out how to fix it...I just moved on to something else something I don't hate, but I won't mind if any one buys it. I do this to myself, I make a mistake and I get all frustrated and try to over simplify or just not put myself into it....it always turns out lame and I just stop. I am trying really hard to just muscle through this time, I recently heard someone say "mistakes are NEVER bad, without them you won't learn"...true, I knew that, duh, and that's what I try to teach my kids, but why when it comes to me do I get soooo discouraged I let myself become lame? I am not lame, I pretty much rock! So it's time to own it and rock these denim cuffs again...I think....

I think my hang up is that some things in my mind contain magic, not like Prince Ali magic, but just plain magic where all the hand stitches are exact, they are even and perfect. But that is so unattainable, and what's the point to making something by hand if it looks like it was made by a machine? Not much point, so I just have to suck it up and learn from my mistake(s) and remain awesome, instead of becoming lame....

Here's 3 of what I've done (I would add more but my child got frustrated and threw my camera :( ) If you want to try your hand at making a cuff register for the Embellish Class on Saturday August 4th!

20 July 2012

Foiled again

As always my best laid plans get dashed...I took a whole slew of pictures while making curtains for the boys play room recently and as luck would have it I can't find the camera cord to upload them, and my computer has declined to read the card :(  oh well, they will get uploaded eventually :)

I must say I did a wonderful job, and because I bought the fabric on clearance and had a limited amount I had to be creative (darn) and I was really proud of how they turned out. I usually prefer tab curtains (fabric tabs go over the rod), but I didn't have enough for those. My second choice is pocket curtains (the rod is concealed), but that style usually takes more fabric than tab curtains. So I used ribbon, at first I thought I would make the tabs out of the ribbon, but the red did not match as well as I would have liked. Then I thought no problem, it's wide I will make a pocket with the ribbon, then I thought it might be too stiff and hard to pull back in the winter when we want the sun to heat the room up. So I made a hi-bred, tabbed-pocket curtain. So, the ribbon is on the back of the curtain and nobody can see that the red does not match, but I just did 5  tabs on each curtain so it would fall nicely when I pull it back this winter! I can't wait to post pictures, but that will have to wait.

Do you have something at home you keep putting off? I have been putting these curtains off since early December.....2011 at least. It is always easier to sew when you are surrounded by company! Join our class, it will be held in the Regalitos shop at Art 634 from 10:30 until you are done! I can help walk you through the whole process and we can even get creative with it if you need! Call (517)740-3698 to register or email holeyaltered@gmail.com.

Don't feel like doing a home project, clothes are more your forte....no worries. I am holding a class on Tuesday (7/24) at 6pm, take your favorite (or least favorite) article of clothing and we will make it AMAZING! I just taught a group of 8 women this type of class and we had a blast. Come be inspired, have a good time and make-over your closet!

10 July 2012

Having a Baby

So the news is out, and I did say I was going to use this blog to post about family and work and how they are so entwined.....and what have I been thinking lately while trying to get ready for classes or make a to do list, or clean....this ever growing bump.

So, let me clear something up; a mother of twins does not ALWAYS produce more than one baby at a time. I know that to everyone who hasn't seen my daily frustrations it is kind of funny to poke and ask about twin girls, but that makes me cry. Honestly, the idea of another 2 years of working to get to the point where I can function and shower, and do dishes, and sleep and spend time with my husband outside of "can you please try something with this one"... it would be horrible. On top of the fact that I am not any where near as big as I was when carrying two. Don't get me wrong, my boys are amazing and totally worth the two years of lost sanity and I truly hope they each get to experience TRIPLETS, but that doesn't mean I want to relive the last two years of my life. This is when it's getting good, and they are playing games with each other, and leaving momma to do the dishes. I like it, why would you want to make me cry and suggest that I am going to go through the frustrations of twin infancy again?

The other assumption you should all know is completely off base...I do not feel like I NEED a girl. Yes, I teach ballet, yes my favorite color is pink, it is true I love everything ruffled, it is also true I love doing crafty things and sewing. It is also true the my sons run around the house wearing my tiara while they play air guitar, they don't wear ruffles, but they wear plaid, which I also LOVE! They love to sew, draw, knit, and do every other craft I do. Yes they are boys and they will possibly grow out of the tiara, they may not like all the crafty stuff, and I may never get to make embroidery floss friendship bracelets....but then again, maybe I will. Jamison is also a beautiful dancer already, he can to arabesque stretches, can do the splits, and loves to do turns. So I have two boys, doesn't mean a girl would be any better suited to all my interests. My boys are fabulous and I will love them even if they become lawyers. Of course I will love a daughter if that is what I have, but I will also allow her to be interested in dirt bikes, or foot ball, or any other thing that you would deem "masculine". I think the best thing my parents ever did was let me decide when I wanted a Pink room top to bottom, and when I wanted a blue room top to bottom. My boys will always be given their choice in activities, nothing will be decided by gender. And if I have a girl this time she too will always be allowed to be who she is. And for the record, I will be thrilled to have a healthy happy baby, and please stop telling me I need a girl. I don't NEED one gender over another, because gender does not determine their interests.

19 June 2012


So here I am months later, wondering, what happened? Why didn't I post since Christmas? I have gotten projects done, found inspiration for projects and had some good ideas that were worth something, but eh, it just didn't rank. Now it's summer, I don't get to dance as much and I have all this time to.........TEACH. Which I have discovered is the true passion for me, not the dance, not the sewing, but the helping others learn how to do it, and do it how they want within or beyond their capabilities.

So it's time to commit! I am going to do a class EVERY week. Saturday mornings 10:30am until you leave, and then Tuesday evenings 6pm until you leave. Regalitos Quilt shop at ART 634 has graciously offered me to use her space, with all her tables and cutting boards and everything! The first hour will be $15 and $10 after that. Stay up to 3 hours :) All classes are open to 8 years old and up, unless otherwise noted.

So here's the schedule. PLEASE let me know if you have questions regarding a certain class, project, or any other aspect of the classes. 

Saturday July 7th: MEET YOUR MACHINE- Bring your own machine in, even if you have never made a single thing with it, and I will show you how to wind a bobbin, thread your machine, change the tension, straight stitch, zigzag stitch, or button hole. Anything your machine can do I will help you walk through it. Bring that every growing mending pile with you for practice. Or I will have supplies for you to make a fabric bag out of upholstery samples.

Tuesday July 10th: FOLLOWING A PATTERN- So you had thought you would teach yourself by getting a pattern from Jo-Ann's and there it sits, or you just want to learn how to follow a pattern. Bring your own supplies ( at least a pattern and any notions the pattern calls for, they will help you figure that out at JoAnn's if you ask) Regalitos has wonderful cotton fabrics, but remember you may want a different material for different projects. Bring it all with you and I will walk you through cutting it out, pinning, sewing and finishing. To keep it a one class project pick something relatively simple. Baby clothes or accessory patterns are usually simple, as well as aprons, skirts, dog clothes, or hats (which are all nice in Cotton).

Saturday July 21st: SEWING HOME-  Pillow covers can spruce up the couch, curtains add a new splash of color to the living room, cloth napkins always impress guests with your ecologically friendly entertaining, place mats or a runner for the table always look nice, or go functional with cloth snack bags. Just pick a project you have been wanting to do around your house, get your fabric and I will help you with the rest. Most household projects work well in the beautiful cottons available at Regalitos, but if you want sheers you'll want to get that ahead of time. Feel free to call with ANY questions about quantity before you buy your fabric!

Tuesday July 24th: REDESIGN- Sometimes great thrift store finds show their true colors the first wear or even once you just get into better light. Have you bought a shirt, then found a stain or tear? We can make the shirt better for it! Have you bought a skirt, but there's not enough leg room for you to move? We can add some gores to it (they will make it flare). Bought something you loved the color, let's make it into something new! Bring options to this class and we can brainstorm together and make over your clothes. You'll be surprised how easy it is!

Saturday August 4th: EMBELISH- Some simple embroidery stitches with bright colored thread, a few beads, an accent color sewn on; anything you can think of can hide a stain, or just spruce up a old skirt your are bored with. I will provide some embellishing options, but there is also Bead Culture at Art 634 if you want to get the perfect beads. I will have some books for inspiration, and you may want to bring a few projects, just to give yourself options and ideas. This class will be mostly hand sewing, there will be lots of time for chatting and helping each other. This would be the perfect class to bring your redesigned clothes from Saturday the 24th's class and add your personalized finishing touches.

Tuesday August 7th: TEAM BUILDING- Bring a team mate (5 years and up), your team mate can draw you the stuffed toy you will create. I will have an assortment of fabrics, notions and everything you'll need to make whatever creation you and your team mate can think of! Great time to build a relationship and teach kids how to work together and they always LOVE to see one of their drawings come to life. They will also enjoy seeing how you can take 2 dimensional fabric and make a wonderful 3 dimensional creature!

Well, hopefully something will pique your interest and you can let me know you want to be there! I will try and post weekly updates with an example prior to the class, to also remind you how you want to take them!

Happy sewing!

23 January 2012

5 months later

So I thought I had gotten a lot more off my list than I really had :( but really I mean life happens....plus some other things got added to the list, became imperative and got done. But instead of listing I am going to post photos of how productive I have been!

 We'll work backwards :)
my niece Melia in her monster hat I made for Christmas :)

my cuz Lauren sportin' her Hawk Hat she got for Christmas :)

Christmas Eve pajamas

Dance clothes!

was the back, now the front and the back is laced up with ribbon :)

was Evan's gray shirt, I made the Jackson School of the Arts logo screen :) now I have been commissioned to do these for a yoga studio in the building (sounds like a summer project to me!)
Jamison modeling a ballet skirt
I made 6 skirts total :)
was a too short t-shirt......

......with a stain on the back

old concert t of Evan's ( also made a blue pair from a vintage blue shirt )
I bought the blue shirt too small and expanded it with laces.

Elizabethan type collar on an old ae shirt...why not?

So what's not pictured? Well I also made curtains for the boys bedroom, I altered 6 military style sequined jackets into cropped bolero vests with white satin ruffles, I made 8 tutus out of navy tule, finished that gigantic banner, fixed a friend's pants that were in my studio for 2 months, patched a work jacket for my oldest brother, I also made some really easy tops for dance without sewing, just cutting and tying, and a case for my ipod (which I loose quite often so it hardly gets to hold the ipod :~D )

Now my to-do list looks something like : "finish the last to-do list and....." get ready for the big 2 year birthday party, plan summer sewing classes for income when dance is done, get going on those commisioned shirts, make the yoda hat baby shower gift for that 2 month old, make play room curtains, sew buttons back on the boys cardigans, prepare for the fairy festival, think of amazing things to do with the rust vintage dress I just found in my studio.

I will probably have to start with that last one, it sounds like tons of fun! Plus I just can't get the dress outta my head. Oh well, there is plenty of sewing and plenty of time, right?.....right....