20 July 2012

Foiled again

As always my best laid plans get dashed...I took a whole slew of pictures while making curtains for the boys play room recently and as luck would have it I can't find the camera cord to upload them, and my computer has declined to read the card :(  oh well, they will get uploaded eventually :)

I must say I did a wonderful job, and because I bought the fabric on clearance and had a limited amount I had to be creative (darn) and I was really proud of how they turned out. I usually prefer tab curtains (fabric tabs go over the rod), but I didn't have enough for those. My second choice is pocket curtains (the rod is concealed), but that style usually takes more fabric than tab curtains. So I used ribbon, at first I thought I would make the tabs out of the ribbon, but the red did not match as well as I would have liked. Then I thought no problem, it's wide I will make a pocket with the ribbon, then I thought it might be too stiff and hard to pull back in the winter when we want the sun to heat the room up. So I made a hi-bred, tabbed-pocket curtain. So, the ribbon is on the back of the curtain and nobody can see that the red does not match, but I just did 5  tabs on each curtain so it would fall nicely when I pull it back this winter! I can't wait to post pictures, but that will have to wait.

Do you have something at home you keep putting off? I have been putting these curtains off since early December.....2011 at least. It is always easier to sew when you are surrounded by company! Join our class, it will be held in the Regalitos shop at Art 634 from 10:30 until you are done! I can help walk you through the whole process and we can even get creative with it if you need! Call (517)740-3698 to register or email holeyaltered@gmail.com.

Don't feel like doing a home project, clothes are more your forte....no worries. I am holding a class on Tuesday (7/24) at 6pm, take your favorite (or least favorite) article of clothing and we will make it AMAZING! I just taught a group of 8 women this type of class and we had a blast. Come be inspired, have a good time and make-over your closet!

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