09 August 2011

last Saturday and this Saturday

After that last post; I went into my studio, boys in tow and everything! It was hot but doable; I sewed that dang button on Evan's shorts, altered two t-shirts to wear for dance, and pinned down the word "honey" on the banner....doesn't seem like much when it's written out, but for me it was amazing...sure every 10 minutes or so I had to tell one boy or the other not to bite, or not to climb, or clean up some mess they were in the process of making....but there was live music down stairs at cuppa for part of the evening, and good friends stopped in to bask in the glory of the mess the boys had made.... it was just an all around enjoyable afternoon.

Which I expect the same out of this Saturday too. I will be hosting a class for up-cycling clothes. By which I mean, when something you love has a tiny (or sizable) flaw, but you just can't part with it.....how you turn it into something you love even MORE. I will probably be working on t-shirts for dance, but will be helping anyone brainstorm how to improve something of theirs and how to accomplish what they want to do! Then of course there will be more live music and I always love that!

06 August 2011

the list grows and grows

It seems as though I still haven't figured out that having twins puts a little bit of a crunch on my time to myself. I keep giving myself jobs to get done, of course before I get back to work as the dance teacher part of my life. But then I think of going to the studio to work, and then I remember how hectic it is with twins there, and how hot it could be up there on the second floor with one window and one tiny oscillating fan, and how much I have to pack up to make it through a few hours, and how by the time I get unpacked it will be time to nap/eat/cuddle/diaper....I'm not complaining, just saying I haven't really adjusted my expectations and it's been 17 months! By the time I do adjust they will probably be 5 years old and WAY easier to deal with. Such is life.....but I still need to get some of these projects done.

The banner....oh the huge banner that was supposed to be a birthday present in January....no not next January.....2011. January 9th to be exact, but I just have to sew the letters on...just sew the letters on the 10'x4' banner....

Baby stuff that was a gift for a baby shower 2 weeks ago. I wrote an i.o.u in the card, but really that baby is gonna be here within the next two months. It's nothing mom can't live without for the first few months of baby's life. Stuff like a wet bag, for cloth diapers (which she's not doing until they get a washer), restaurant high chair cover, and diaper covers.....it is all actually really simple....without twins.

Then my personal projects keep piling up! Curtains for the boys room, ballet skirts, shirts for dance, leg warmers.....oh and they all sound so fun! Plus I just bought a pattern for a really cute dress that I wouldn't mind wearing for family pictures next month.....there is also the recital costume I want to re-vamp so JSA has another option for costumes this year. I have also been promising to sew a button on some shorts for Evan for oh I don't know 2 months....it's a button! C'mon! I've gotta get it together and get this list a little shorter!

I guess the goal is to get my studio cooled off so it's bearable to spend a few hours a week there! Evan even reminded me of Halloween last night too....Rock 'em Sock 'em  Boppers and Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head....Oh I am so excited for that!

Well, hopefully the next post is that I have finished my list and I am not bored ;) yeah right, like I'll ever be bored!